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2. What are effective responses and how to adapt to current or future climate change impacts?

e.g. saline intrusion of groundwater or increased glacier melt and eventual decline of glacier runoff? Key concepts & skills: • There is uncertainty about the predicted impacts of climate change on water resources; nevertheless, being able to get a “what if” scenario is already an important adaptation measure • Despite the fact that there is uncertainty in population forecast, scenarios are still used in the planning process • Different climate models predict different impacts; it is therefore necessary to use a number of models and generate many scenarios • To reduce the level of uncertainty, models need good quality data, at different scales, that most countries lack; in countries where observed data is not available, satellite data can be used to fill the gap

Recommended (Handbooks & Toolkits):

26.jpg Hydro-Climatic Disasters in Water Resources Management (UNDP/Cap-Net, 2009)
Developed at the initiative of the Nile IWRM network, the main objective of this training material is to build the capacity of water managers and others to develop strategies for coping with hydro-climatic disasters such as floods and drought within the context of water resources management.

27.jpg Water Resources Assessment in Sub-Saharan Africa: Prediction in Ungauged and Data Scarce basic (WaterNet, 2008)
This training manual was developed focusing on hydrological prediction in poorly gauged or data scarce basins in Africa. The tools allow water resources to be assessed from a variety of data sources.The material is targeted at water professionals and includes models.

28.JPG Disaster Mitigation in Water and Sanitation Systems (CEPIS-PAHO, 1998)
These guidelines are meant to be consulted by engineers and technical personnel in water service companies to project the performance of drinking water and sewerage systems in case of natural disasters.

Presentations from the October 2009 Mainstreaming Responses to Climatic Variability & Change While Improving Results-Based Management Workshops, 5th GEF Biennial IW Conference in Cairns, Australia:

Integrated water resources management in semiarid regions: lessons from the Kairouan region in Tunisia
(Christian Leduc, Institute of Research for Development)

Downscaling climate change information for hydrological applications and water management; a case study of the Murray Darling Basin
(Bertrand Timbal, Australia Bureau of Meteorology)

Stories from the field:

Tanzania: Climate change compounds a story of rights and conflicts (IUCN)

Páramos andinos en busca de una estrategia efectiva de marketing (IUCN)

Samoa’s Togitogiga National Park (IUCN)

Climate change most visible through freshwater lens (WWF)

Scaling-Up Successful Nature-Based Development (WRI)

Additional (Case Study):

Scenario Generation using Geographical Information System (GIS) based Hydrological Modelling for a Multijurisdictional Indian River Basin
(Journal of Oceanography and Marine Science)

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