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4. How to adapt IWRM principles to on-the-ground and institutional realities through work with stakeholders?

How to complement planning with demonstration projects? Key concepts & skills: • IWRM uses a two-track strategy where planning is complemented by pilot actions demonstrating results that address local to national priorities • Learning-by-doing innovates and adapts water resources management actions, tools and technologies • Concrete results and lessons learned build confidence and anchor basin and national policies and planning in knowledge of what works • Coalitions of beneficiaries, water advocates and leaders join forces within political realities catalyze change in institutions that enable practical implementation of IWRM

Recommended (Guidelines & Briefings):

52.jpg Achieving implementation of Integrated Water Resources Management (IUCN, 2012)
This briefing note drawing on the lessons from the Water And Nature Initiative (WANI) describes how IWRM is practical and achievable. The key is a two-track strategy where IWRM planning is complemented by pilot actions demonstrating results that address local to national priorities.

53.jpg Groundwater in IWRM (UNDP, 2010)
There has been inadequate attention to groundwater management within the reforms towards an IWRM approach. Yet a fundamental observation of IWRM is that water is one (interlinked) resource requiring a holistic approach to management. Cap-Net, the Africa Groundwater Network (AGW-Net) and GW-MATE (Ground Water Management Advisory Team) have collaborated to produce these training materials on groundwater management. For most of the modules the manual has drawn liberally from the excellent series of Briefing Notes written by members of GW-MATE, a World Bank programme.


Project 842: Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) of the Botswana Portion of the Okavango River Basin: Stakeholder Involvement in the Okavango Delta Management Plan and Its Relevance to the TDA Process (OKACOM, 2009)

Recommended (Case Studies):

55.jpg Komadugu Yobe Basin, Nigeria (IUCN-WANI)
Multi-stakeholder participation to create new institutions and legal frameworks to manage water resources

56.jpg Mekong River Basin (IUCN-WANI)
Mobilising grassroots engagement and facilitating high-level dialogue for transboundary water management

57.jpg Tacaná Watersheds, Guatemala & Mexico (IUCN-WANI)
Transboundary water governance and implementation of IWRM through local community action

Africa: Northwestern Sahara Aquifer System - Algeria, Libya & Tunisia; Komadugu Yobe Basin, Nigeria; Kat River Valley Catchment, South Africa; Zambia: Water Watch Groups; Mali: Capitalizing on the process of elaboration of the Action Plan for IWRM; Swaziland: Application of IWRM at a community level in KaLanga; Cameroon: Local initiative to protect Lake Ossa

Asia: Interlinking of Rivers in India; The Bhima River Basin Experience - India; Central Asia - Aral Sea; The Mekong River Basin; Tarim River, China; Nepal's Engagement with the World Commission on Dams’ Report; Nepali Activists Engage the World Bank over Arun 3; Equitable Water Allocation in Northern Thailand; Sharing Irrigation Water in Bhutan

Americas: An Innovative Approach to Water Use Planning in British Columbia, Canada; Community-Based Approaches to Conflict Management in the US Pacific; Florida's Everglades, USA; Cara Sucia / San Pedro Belén, El Salvador; San Marcos, Guatemala; Tiquipaya, Bolivia

Europe: Netherlands & Flanders - Scheldt & Waal Rivers; Eastern Europe - Danube

Oceania: Learning to listen – New South Wales, Australia; Ok Tedi and Fly River negotiation over compensation – Papua New Guinea; Building Shared Understanding in Pacific Islands – Kiribati


Integrated Water Resources Management Plans (UNDP-GWP, 2005) En, Es, Fr, Pt, Ru: While targeted at the development of national IWRM plans this training material is also suitable for planning at basin and other levels. The approach uses a traditional planning cycle adapted to the concepts of IWRM. The manual is a useful reference beyond the training course and contains useful tips on how to ensure that the plan is useful and can be implemented within local constraints.

Introduction to Integrated Water Resources Management Effective development and management of water resources are essential for sustainable growth and poverty reduction in all developing countries and this session will provide an overview of the various elements that define integrated water resources management.

Water Demand Management (IUCN, 1994): Produced by IUCN with support from Sida and IDRC the training manual and supporting Powerpoints contain resource materials on water demand management.


Doing things differently: Stories about Local Water Governance in Egypt, Jordan and Palestine from EMPOWERS
(Euro-Med Participatory Water Resources Scenarios)

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