4. How to build a sound institutional mechanism for transboundary water management?
Recommended (Handbooks & Toolkits):
RULE: reforming water governance (IUCN, 2009)
This guide shows how national water reform processes can deliver good water governance, by focusing on the principles and practice of reform. It guides managers and decision makers on a journey which provides an overview of what makes good law, policy and institutions, and the steps needed to build a coherent and fully operational water governance structure. The book is available in English, Spanish and French.
SHARE: managing waters across boundaries (IUCN, 2008)
Using case studies from around the world, it describes the benefits to be gained from cooperation and the challenges of constructing legal frameworks, institutions, management processes and financing, and partnership strategies to govern transboundary waters equitably and sustainably. Share presents practical tools in plain language to help practitioners and stakeholders conceptualize and implement cooperative, participatory and sustainable water management. It emphasizes the value of information, communication, institutions and adaptability.
Integrated Water Resources Management for River Basin Organisations (UNDP, 2008)
This training manual focuses of specific water resources management functions carried out by River Basin Organisations. The aim is to contribute to improving the efficiency and effectiveness in the application of IWRM for sustainable management of water resources. It was built from case studies carried out by Cap-Net with UNESCO-IHE, Nile IWRM-Net, LA-WETnet, Lanka CapNet, AguaJaring, SWECO and IWMI. The training manual and sometimes supporting Powerpoints are available in English, Espanol, French, Khmer, Indonesian and Portuguese.
Project 1254: IWCAM - Toolkit for Institutional, Policy and Legislative Improvements
Project 2133: Lake Skadar - Internal Rules for the Functioning of the IMC
Project 1661: Current Inter-Ministerial Coordination Mechanisms Report
Project 1661: DRP - Setting up IMCs - Evaluation of Results of National Reports
Project 1661: GEF Danube/Black Sea Basin Strategic Partnership Interim Progress Report
International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR): Guidance and FAQs on Commissions
Recommended (Case Studies from the Global Water Partnership (GWP) – ToolBox section on
Transboundary organisations for water resource management):
Africa: Establishing a transboundary organisation for IWRM in the Senegal River basin;; Reversal of land and water degradation in Lake Chad; Institutional roles in the management of the Komati River Basin; IWRM implementation at Pungwe River Basin in Zimbabwe and Mozambique; Junction of land degradation, biodiversity loss and water resources management in Kagera and Nyando catchments of Lake Victoria basin; SWOT analysis and challenge of Nile Basin Initiative
Americas: Trans-border management group for the conservation of the environment of the Goascoran River, Honduras and El Salvador
Asia: Regional Water Management Cooperation in Central Asia
Europe: Managing the Danube Wetlands; Prespa Basin National Park; River Rhine-North Sea System; A need for a cohesive international work in the region – Joint Danube Survey; Dialogues – an excellent tool for making River Basin Management Plan better; TNMN - a long-term monitoring network in the Danube River basin; Elaboration of IWRM Plans for transboundary catchments; Assistance with tools set-up for the shared control and management of the Körös/Crisuri Basin
Oceania: The Murray-Darling Basin Commission; Moreton Bay & Catchments
Enabling Environment and Institutions for Integrated Water Resources Management (World Bank): A training of trainers overview of the enabling environment (policy, legislation, participation) and institutions necessary for the effective implementation of IWRM.