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You are here: Home / Learning Resources / Brief 3- Policy, Law and Institutions / 3. What legal frameworks are needed for transboundary water management? How to transform policy into law?

3. What legal frameworks are needed for transboundary water management? How to transform policy into law?

Key concepts & skills: • Features of water law • The context, role and reach of water resources legislation • Water allocation and water quality protection • Incorporating conservation into water law • The legal basis for transboundary water management: establishing international treaties

Recommended (Handbooks & Toolkits):

40.jpg RULE: reforming water governance (IUCN, 2009)
This guide shows how national water reform processes can deliver good water governance, by focusing on the principles and practice of reform. It guides managers and decision makers on a journey which provides an overview of what makes good law, policy and institutions, and the steps needed to build a coherent and fully operational water governance structure. The book is available in English, Spanish and Russian.

37.jpg SHARE: managing waters across boundaries (IUCN, 2008)
Using case studies from around the world, it describes the benefits to be gained from cooperation and the challenges of constructing legal frameworks, institutions, management processes and financing, and partnership strategies to govern transboundary waters equitably and sustainably. Share presents practical tools in plain language to help practitioners and stakeholders conceptualize and implement cooperative, participatory and sustainable water management. It emphasizes the value of information, communication, institutions and adaptability. The book is also available in Spanish.

41.jpg Streams of Law; a training manual and facilitators' guide on water legislation and legal reform for integrated water resources management (UNDP, 2008): This training manual introduces various aspects of water law and is suitable for middle and senior level water managers. It will help to understand how water law is made and how various principles can be incorporated into law. The manual is suitable for short courses or as an input to educational programmes on water management. The manual provides links to good resource materials and also a guide to facilitators who may be involved in training using these materials.

Water Law and Institution (UNESCO-IHE, 2003)
The objective of these lecture notes is to describe mechanisms of institutional reform towards integrated water resources management as well as the institutional and management arrangements needed in the process. Recent developments will be highlighted as well as phenomena and evolutions that sustained the ages. The focus is on river basin management following a systematic approach that considers the river basin as a whole.

Project 3340: Good Governance Reference and Training Manual and Appendices
Review of Legal and Institutional Frameworks

Recommended Case Studies from the International Waters: Review of Legal and Institutional Frameworks:

Africa: Lake Tanganyika; Lake Victoria Basin Commission and the Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization; Niger Basin; Nile River Basin Initiative; Okavango River Basin; Senegal River Basin; Southern African Development Community (SADC)

Americas: Amazon Basin; Columbia River Basin; Rio Grande/Rio Bravo

Asia: Mekong

Europe: Danube River Basin; The Rhine


Legal and Regulatory Setting for Integrated Water Resources Management (UNESCO-IHE, 2002): This presentation discusses the background processes of law and policy, the key principles and laws at international level, and some principles and laws at national level

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