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Surface Freshwater GEF IW Projects

News feed from the GEF IW Portfolio.

May 27, 2013 Snapshot of Pacific IWRM Progress in SI
Managing Honiara City Water Supply and Reducing Pollution via IWRM 27 th  May 2013: Solomon Islands’ GEF Pacific IWRM Demonstration Project entitled “Managing Honiara City Water Supply and Reducing Pollution via IWRM” has made great progress in strengthening stakeholder engagement for water resource management and securing access to safe drinking water. Key project results include: Catchment Management Plans for Kovi & Kongulai; established IWRM Project Steering Committee; Water Use Efficiency and Demand Management in Honiara pilot zone; capacity training for SIWA’s Leakage Detection team; stress reduction measures such as consistent water sampling and increased water hours at Mbokonavera. This Pacific IWRM ‘Progress Snapshot’ highlights results achieved to date. Visit the Kava Bowl  to access Solomon Islands ‘Progress Snapshot’ – click here .
May 24, 2013 Tender RFQ_GPSO_2013_060 «The joint project with OECD for Selenga subbasin - Evaluation of effectiveness in IWRM», application period: 24 May 2013 - 12 June 2013
May 24, 2013 Tender RFQ_GPSO_2013_060 «The joint project with OECD for Selenga subbasin - Evaluation of effectiveness in IWRM», application period: 24 May 2013 - 12 June 2013
May 24, 2013 VA/2013/B5002/2427
Senior Law Expert, application period: 2013 May 24 - 2013 May 31
May 23, 2013 VA/2013/B5002/2408
Consultant to develop recommendations on environmental investments on active concerns to reduce pollution discharge, application period: 2013 May 23 - 2013 May 30
May 23, 2013 Tender RFQ_GPSO_2013-059 «Clean up the riparian zone of Lake Hovsgol and expansion of water sanitation zone in the degraded shorelines», application period: 23 May 2013 - 12 June 2013
May 23, 2013 Tender RFQ_GPSO_2013-059 «Clean up the riparian zone of Lake Hovsgol and expansion of water sanitation zone in the degraded shorelines», application period: 23 May 2013 - 12 June 2013
May 20, 2013 Snapshot of Pacific IWRM Progress in Tonga
Improvement and Sustainable Management of Neiafu, Vava’u’s Groundwater Resource 20 th  May 2013: Tonga’s GEF Pacific IWRM Demonstration Project entitled “Improvement and Sustainable Management of Neiafu, Vava’u’s Groundwater Resource” has strengthened arrangements for improved watershed management and community engagement. The project is also successfully testing various measures to reduce stress on the Neiafu aquifer. Key project results include: formation of the Neiafu Aquifer Management Committee; 60% increase in community engagement with national Government on water issues; assessment of sustainable yields from Neiafu Aquifer; and installation of 11 trial sanitation systems to reduce groundwater contamination. This Pacific IWRM ‘Progress Snapshot’ highlights results achieved to date. Visit the Kava Bowl  to access Tonga’s ‘Progress Snapshot’ – click here .
May 14, 2013 Tender RFQ_GPSO_2013-058 “Pilot construction of cattle mortuary in Kurumkansky district, Buryatia, The Russian Federation”, application period: 13 May 2013 - 25 May 2013
May 14, 2013 Tender RFQ_GPSO_2013-058 “Pilot construction of cattle mortuary in Kurumkansky district, Buryatia, The Russian Federation”, application period: 13 May 2013 - 25 May 2013
May 13, 2013 Snapshot of Pacific IWRM Progress in FSM
Ridge to Reef: Protecting Water Quality from Source to Sea 13 th  May 2013: FSM’s GEF Pacific IWRM Demonstration Project entitled “Ridge to Reef: Protecting Water Quality from Source to Sea” has strengthened national coordination in the water and sanitation sector and has enhanced community collaboration to improve water resource management. Key project results include: a Joint Resolution of President and State Governors endorsing the first framework National Water and Sanitation Policy; establishment and operation of a National Task Force including State representation; protection and rehabilitation of riparian zone of the main water supply in Nett Watershed; sustainable forest and land management practices established and trialled with landowner; and strengthening of routine water monitoring. This Pacific IWRM ‘Progress Snapshot’ highlights results achieved to date. Visit the Kava Bowl  to access FSM’s ‘Progress Snapshot’ – click here .
May 07, 2013 Snapshot of Pacific IWRM Progress in Tuvalu
Integrated Sustainable Wastewater Management (EcoSan) for Tuvalu 6 th  May 2013: Tuvalu’s GEF Pacific IWRM Demonstration Project entitled “Integrated Sustainable Wastewater Management (EcoSan) for Tuvalu” has strengthened arrangements for improved wastewater management and mainstreamed IWRM into National Policy. The project has also successfully shared sanitation solutions with other Pacific countries. Key project results include: successful design and replication of sanitation solutions; successful engagement of Tuvaluan communities and government; development of a National IWRM Policy and Indicator Framework; reduction in sewage pollution across Funafuti and a reduction in freshwater use for sanitation uses. This Pacific IWRM ‘Progress Snapshot’ highlights results achieved to date. Visit the Kava Bowl  to access Tuvalu’s ‘Progress Snapshot’ – click here .
Apr 29, 2013 Snapshot of Pacific IWRM Progress in Vanuatu
Sustainable Management of the Sarakata Watershed 30 th  April 2013: Vanuatu’s GEF Pacific IWRM Demonstration Project entitled “Sustainable Management of the Sarakata Watershed” has strengthened arrangements for improved watershed management and community engagement. The project is also successfully testing various measures to reduce stress on the Sarakata watershed. Key project results include: establishment of the Sarakata Basin Integrated Flood Management Plan; establishment of Water Protected Zones; increase in community engagement with national Government on water issues; and successful trials of sustainable forest and land management practices with landowners. This Pacific IWRM ‘Progress Snapshot’ highlights results achieved to date. Visit the Kava Bowl  to access Vanuatu’s ‘Progress Snapshot’ – click here .
Apr 26, 2013 Second Regional Steering Committee Meeting
Apr 25, 2013 TDA regional technical workshop
Apr 25, 2013 VA/2013/B5002/2239
Training Expert in POPs/PTSs (Mongolia), application period: 2013 April 25 - 2013 May 26
Apr 22, 2013 Snapshot of Pacific IWRM Progress in Fiji
Integrated Flood Risk Management in the Nadi River Basin, Fiji 23 rd  April 2013: Fiji’s GEF Pacific IWRM Demonstration Project entitled “Integrated Flood Risk Management in the Nadi River Basin” is successfully strengthening governance structures to develop a flood risk management plan and is empowering communities to be more disaster resilient and independent. Key project results include: establishment of the Nadi Basin Catchment Committee; endorsement of project design and M&E Plan by Steering Committee; development of the Nadi Integrated Flood Risk management Plan; rehabilitation of two degraded areas in the catchment and successful trials of sustainable land and forest management practices with landowners. This Pacific IWRM ‘Progress Snapshot’ highlights results achieved to date. Visit the Kava Bowl  to access Fiji’s ‘Progress Snapshot’ – click here .
Apr 22, 2013 "Climagine", a participatory method introduced in Croatia
Within the framework of MedPartnership sister project "Integration of climate variability and change into national strategies for Integrated Coastal Zone Management", the first "Climagine" workshop was organised in Šibenik, Croatia on 8 April 2013. The workshop was jointly organised by the Plan Bleu, PAP/RAC and the County, and was opened by Mr. Goran Pauk, President of the Šibenik-Knin County. Fifty participants, including representatives of national, regional and local authorities and institutions, academic community and NGOs attended the workshop.
Apr 22, 2013 Empowering People Through Integrated Water Resource Management Practices: By Akiko Yamamoto
Approximately 64 per cent of Africa’s land surface lies within its 63 transboundary river basins as compared to 47 per cent globally. For the southern Africa region, defined by the boundaries of member states of the Southern African Development Community (SADC), 16 transboundary basins provide nearly 80 per cent of the region’s available water resources. All but one continental SADC state has over 50 per cent of their land mass in transboundary river basins. Some countries rely on more than 50 per cent of their water needs flowing from outside of their borders. In this context, water cooperation has been a serious matter for many African countries throughout their history and is increasingly so as their economies grow and become increasingly integrated.
Apr 22, 2013 Towards good governance in Integrated Coastal Zone Management in Algeria
More than 120 participants attended two workshops held in Algeria for the preparation of a national Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) strategy. The workshops were organised by the Ministry of Land-use Planning, Environment and Town with the support of PAP/RAC.