4. How to enable design and implementation of valuation studies and PES schemes?
VALUE: Counting ecosystems as water infrastructure (IUCN, 2004) En, Es - Chapter 5
PAY: Establishing payments for ecosystem services (IUCN, 2006) En, Es - Chapter 2-3
Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure (FAO, 2012) En, Es, Fr, Ar, Ru, Zh
Water Funds: Conserving Green Infrastructure. A Guide for Design, Creation and Operation (TNC & al., 2012)
This manual is an effort by TNC, FEMSA Foundation, IDB, and GEF to compile, analyze and synthesize its own experience with Water Funds, together with that of the projects already in existence and under creation, in order to provide operational guidelines to people and organizations interested in establishing a water fund or similar mechanism.
Charting New Waters: State of Watershed Payments 2012 (Forest Trends, 2013)
This report is the second installment of the most comprehensive inventory to date of initiatives around the world that are paying individuals and communities to revive or preserve water-friendly features of the landscape. Such features include wetlands, streams, and forests that can capture, filter, and store freshwater.
Monitoring payments for watershed services schemes in developing countries (IIED, 2013)
In this paper the monitoring and evaluation criteria behind compliance or transactional monitoring is discussed, which ensures that contracts are followed, and effectiveness conditionality, which looks at how schemes manage to achieve their environmental objectives regardless of the degree of compliance.
Project 1188: The Economic and the Social Value of the Guinea Current Ecosystem - A First Approximation
Project 1188: Report on generic list of economic instruments for the management of critical zone resources and pollution reduction/abatement in the Guinea Current Large Marine Ecosystem Area (UNIDO, 2010)
Project 842: Economic Valuation of Basin Resources Final Report to EPSMO Project of the UN Food & Agriculture Organization as an input to the Okavango River Basin Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (OKACOM, 2009)
Project 885: South China Sea Knowledge Document on the Economic Valuation of the Goods and Services of Coastal Habitats;
Project 885: Procedure for Determination of National and Regional Economic Values for Ecotone Goods and Services and Total Economic Values of Coastal Habitats in the context of the UNEP/GEF Project (UNEP, 2007)
Project 885: Evaluation and analysis for economic valuation of the impacts of land-based
Project 615: From Local Watershed Management to Integrated River Basin Management at National and Transboundary Levels – Chapter 4 (Mekong River Commission, 2011)
Presentations from the November 2012 Regional Targeted Workshop for GEF IW Projects & Partners in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, run by IW:LEARN, UNECE, IUCN, Rhodes University and FAO: Ecosystem goods and services valuation for BCLME (Nico Willemse)
Equitable Payments for Watershed Services: A case of Lake Naivasha, Kenya (Josephat Nyongesa)
Presentations from the November 2006 workshop on Economic Valuation and Water-Related Decision-Making in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, run by IUCN and IW:LEARN:
The impact of river basin management issues on communities in the Volta Basin (Ghana)
Problems de gestion des ressources en eau dans le bassin de la Volta (Burkina Faso)
Designing and implementing valuation studies - a roadmap (C. Sadoff)
Presentations from the April 2008 workshop on Payments for Ecosystem Services in Hanoi, Vietnam, run by IUCN and IW:LEARN:
Sustainable Financing - MPAs: Case Study from Nha Trang Bay - Marine Protected Area, Vietnam (O'Callaghan)
Sustainable Financing: Examples and Perspectives from WWF (McNally)
Designing and Implementing Payments for Environmental Services: The Phillippines Experience (Amponin)
Designing Payments for Ecosystem Services: Report from the East Asian Regional Workshop
Stories from the field:
IUCN-WANI: Small budgets - Big plans for the Pangani River Basin, Tanzania
Evaluating the economic importance of the Okavango Delta’s natural resources
Upper Mekong development
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) / World Bank: Rich countries, Poor water;
Running Pure: The importance of forest protected areas to drinking water
IUCN-WANI: Pago por servicios ambientales: la experiencia de FONAG en America del Sur; Water Quality Trading
World Resources Institute (WRI): Forests and Water: Green Infrastructure Can Be Less Expensive Than Gray Infrastructure
Application of tools for valuation of biodiversity (UNEP CBD COP8.25, 2006)
The feasibility of developing payments for catchment protection services and improved livelihoods in South Africa (CSIR, 2005)
Guidelines for preparing economic analysis (US EPA, 2000)
Economic values of protected areas - Guidelines for protected area managers (IUCN, 1998)