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You are here: Home / Learning Resources / Brief 1- Economics of Ecosystem Services / 1. How to identify suitable methods for economic valuation of ecosystems?

1. How to identify suitable methods for economic valuation of ecosystems?

Key concepts & skills: • ecosystem goods & services • full economic value & components • measuring economic values; market & non-market values • contributions of ecosystem goods & services to the economy • contributions of ecosystem goods & services to water-sector economics • linkages between ecosystem values, sustainable development & the MDGs • valuation as a tool for environmental management • methods & applications • criteria for choice of methods.


Recommended (Handbooks & Toolkits):

1.jpg VALUE: Counting ecosystems as water infrastructure (IUCN, 2004) En, Es - Chapter 1-3

2.jpg Investing in ecosystems as water infrastructure Water Briefing by IUCN

3.jpg An introductory guide to valuing ecosystem services (DEFRA, 2007)

4.jpg Valuing wetlands: Guidance for valuing the benefits derived from wetland ecosystem services (Ramsar Convention Secret., 2006) Es, Fr

Coastal & Marine:

Marine and coastal ecosystem services: Valuation methods and their practical application (UNEP-WCMC, 2011) En, Es, Fr

Coastal and marine ecosystem services valuation for policy and management (University of East Anglia, 2010)

Economic valuation of natural coastal and marine ecosystems (CIESM, 2008)

Human dimensions of the ecosystem approach to fisheries: an overview of context, concepts, tools and methods (FAO, 2008)

The ecosystem approach to fisheries: Issues, terminology, principles, institutional foundations, implementation and outlook (FAO, 2003)

Water quality services:

Sewage Treatment Operators Manual for the Caribbean Region (UNEP-CEPNET, 1998)

Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality Training Pack by WHO

Water Supply, Sanitation and Health with IWRM Considerations Presentations by WHO

Guidelines on Municipal Wastewater Management (UNEP/WHO/HABITAT/WSSCC, 2004)

Sustainable Sanitation and Water Management (SSWM) A Toolbox by seecon gmbh and supported by SDC

Presentations from the November 2012 Regional Targeted Workshop for GEF IW Projects & Partners in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, run by IW:LEARN, UNECE, IUCN, Rhodes University and FAO:
5.jpg Introduction to the ecosystem approach as a framework for management of ecosystem use (Kevern Cochrane & Warwick Sauer)

Methods of economic valuation - with a focus on marine ecosystems (Rolf Willmann) 6.jpg

Presentations from the July 2007 workshop on Economic Valuation for Large Marine Ecosystems in Cape Town, South Africa,
run by IUCN and IW:LEARN:

Principles of economic valuation of ecosystems (Francis Vorhies)
Economic valuation (Hamidreza Ghaffarzadeh)
Environmental valuation and cost-benefit analysis of management actions (Isao Endo)
The economics of large marine ecosystems (Tony Leiman)

Presentations from the November 2005 Environmental Valuation Training in the Caspian Region, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan:
Valuation of Environmental Resources (John A. Dixon)
Non-Market Valuation (Morteza Rahmatian)

Understanding the Water Cycle Presentation by Swiss Center of Hydrogeology
Ecosystems and Water
Presentation by Swiss Center of Hydrogeology
(D. King and M. Mazzotta)
Estimating the value of ecotourism in the Djoudj National Bird Park in Senegal (IUCN, 2006)
Linking the dots: MDGs and the 2010 global biodiversity challenge (B. Pisupati and R. Rubian, 2006)
Economic tools for valuing freshwater and estuarine ecosystem services (R. Kramer, 2005)
Making economic valuation work for biodiversity conservation (Australia, 2005)
Investing in environmental wealth for poverty reduction (UNDP, 2005)
Towards an economic valuation of biodiversity: Freshwater ecosystems (G. Antrobus & M. Law, 2005)
Ecosystem service valuation and watershed resources: An annotated literature review (T. J. Dalton & K. Cobourn, 2003)
The rehabilitation of the delta of the Senegal river in Mauritania: fielding the ecosystem approach (IUCN, 2003)
Valuing biodiversity (IUCN, 2000)

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